Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hello again,

I have been trying to organize my craft space to be a bit more organized and to get ready for Fall and Winter items to be made. See what I need to order and such for the coming seasons. It is amazing the amount of stuff that accumulates in a small space, well it has gone and it was a real cleansing for me!

I was reading mail one day last week when I came across an email from Sarah Sewell, "The Joyful Entrepreneur", I have always enjoyed reading her blog. She was offering a free Etsy Bootcamp Guide to Success to download for FREE! So, I did, wonderful information, great tips and suggestions. I started working on some of those tips and sprucing up my shop a bit and changing some things around, I hope it helps.

So, if you have an Etsy Shop you would find this information very useful.

Go check her out!

Till Next week (hopefully)

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, June 10, 2016

It has been a long time!

I am embarrassed that so much time has passed and I have not done anything with this blog. I have learned so much as a crafter/creator in that though. Been busy with life and keeping an Etsy store afloat, and still working full time. Now that school is out for a short Summer break, I thought I would try to get back into the swing of this blogging and see how it goes. No promises being made though! Well, I will start off with a few posts from my shop. Thank you for reading!

Come have a look around my shop sometime at

 My newest addition to my shop are these adorable fabric top knot headbands! I just love them, how about you?